Using the Playbook

You can work through the steps of the Playbook sequentially or customize your approach based on your setting’s Self-Assessment Checklist for Integrating Behavioral Health and Ambulatory Care results. At each step of implementation, the Playbook provides tips, resources, and examples for integrating behavioral health in your setting. The Playbook will help you find your own path for accomplishing integration by applying knowledge about using successful approaches and avoiding possible barriers.

Using the Playbook as an Upward Spiral

The process of integration entails working toward a North Star of a seamlessly integrated behavioral health and ambulatory care setting. As a user of the Playbook, we encourage you to revisit the implementation processes as often as needed to refine integration in your setting.

North Star

The North Star reflects an ideal integrated behavioral health and ambulatory care setting in which patients have full access to outcome-changing behavioral health services as part of their overall care.

The North Star for your practice may vary from other practices, while containing similar elements of integrated workflows, care teams, and care coordination. Incorporate integration into your practice in a way that supports the unique mission and values of your organization.

If you are new to integration, the Playbook’s steps may require new efforts, while users who have already begun implementing integration can use the Playbook to refine ongoing implementation efforts. Regardless of your practice’s present level of integration, you can revisit the Playbook as an upward spiral, gradually approaching the North Star of an integrated care setting.

Additional Features for Registered Users

The following additional features are available to registered users:

  • On any page of the Playbook, you can add a bookmark so you can return to your place next time you log in.
  • Insert notes for yourself as you work through each section.
  • Save your Integration Self-Assessment Checklist results and track your progress as you integrate your practice.
Page last reviewed June 2022
Page originally created June 2020