Integrating Behavioral Health and Ambulatory Care Self-Assessment Checklist

Integrating Behavioral Health and Ambulatory Care refers to care from a practice team of primary care and behavioral health clinicians, working together with patients and families, using a systematic and cost-effective approach to provide patient-centered care for a defined population. This care may address mental health and substance abuse conditions, health behaviors (including their contribution to chronic medical illnesses), life stressors and crises, stress-related physical symptoms, and ineffective patterns of health care utilization.

About the Integration Self-Assessment Checklist

The Self-Assessment Checklist for Integrating Behavioral Health and Ambulatory Care (referred to as Integration Self-Assessment Checklist) is based on AHRQ's Lexicon for Behavioral Health and Primary Care Integration (PDF - 2.06 MB). The Integration Self-Assessment Checklist is linked to AHRQ’s Integration Playbook so practices can customize their implementation approach for their setting. The self-assessment checklist can be used before, during, or after implementation of the integrated program. The checklist includes 37 questions. It will take about 10 minutes to complete in one sitting.

How to Use the Checklist

Use the Integration Self-Assessment Checklist to learn where your organization stands with respect to all aspects of integration. This is useful as you navigate integrating behavioral health into your primary or ambulatory care setting.  

  • Consider having all members of your Planning and Implementation Team complete the checklist and discuss the responses.
  • As you plan for integrating behavioral health in your setting, use the checklist and discussion with the Planning and Implementation Team to identify areas of focus and priority.  
  • As you continue implementing integration into your setting, use the Integration Self-Assessment Checklist to assess your progress and identify areas for improvement.  

Downloadable Version

A downloadable version of the self-assessment checklist is available. You may wish to print several copies of the checklist for providers and staff to answer individually before coming to collective agreement on responses to each question.

Page last reviewed January 2024
Page originally created June 2020