Literature Collection
Grey Literature
Opioids & SU
The Literature Collection contains over 11,000 references for published and grey literature on the integration of behavioral health and primary care. Learn More
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Grey literature is comprised of materials that are not made available through traditional publishing avenues. Examples of grey literature in the Repository of the Academy for the Integration of Mental Health and Primary Care include: reports, dissertations, presentations, newsletters, and websites. This grey literature reference is included in the Repository in keeping with our mission to gather all sources of information on integration. Often the information from unpublished resources is limited and the risk of bias cannot be determined.
Conducting systematic case reviews (SCRs) is a critical skill for psychiatrists leveraging their expertise to provide collaborative care in a primary care setting; however, there is little literature to guide best practices for executing an SCR. This column offers guidance to psychiatrists on best practices for conducting SCRs by drawing on experience from psychiatrists who teach collaborative care and who directly observe SCRs in established programs. Furthermore, it describes several common threats to successful SCR and presents potential solutions to assist programs in implementing indirect psychiatric care, an essential component of collaborative care.
Grey literature is comprised of materials that are not made available through traditional publishing avenues. Examples of grey literature in the Repository of the Academy for the Integration of Mental Health and Primary Care include: reports, dissertations, presentations, newsletters, and websites. This grey literature reference is included in the Repository in keeping with our mission to gather all sources of information on integration. Often the information from unpublished resources is limited and the risk of bias cannot be determined.
RATIONALE: Given that many patients being treated for opioid-use disorder continue to use drugs, identifying clusters of patients who share similar patterns of use might provide insight into the disorder, the processes that affect it, and ways that treatment can be personalized. OBJECTIVES AND METHODS: We applied hierarchical clustering to identify patterns of opioid and cocaine use in 309 participants being treated with methadone or buprenorphine (in a buprenorphine-naloxone formulation) for up to 16 weeks. A smartphone app was used to assess stress and craving at three random times per day over the course of the study. RESULTS: Five basic patterns of use were identified: frequent opioid use, frequent cocaine use, frequent dual use (opioids and cocaine), sporadic use, and infrequent use. These patterns were differentially associated with medication (methadone vs. buprenorphine), race, age, drug-use history, drug-related problems prior to the study, stress-coping strategies, specific triggers of use events, and levels of cue exposure, craving, and negative mood. Craving tended to increase before use in all except those who used sporadically. Craving was sharply higher during the 90 min following moderate-to-severe stress in those with frequent use, but only moderately higher in those with infrequent or sporadic use. CONCLUSIONS: People who share similar patterns of drug-use during treatment also tend to share similarities with respect to psychological processes that surround instances of use, such as stress-induced craving. Cluster analysis combined with smartphone-based experience sampling provides an effective strategy for studying how drug use is related to personal and environmental factors.