What is Integrated Behavioral Health? Behavioral health and primary care integration recognizes both medical and behavioral health factors as important for a person’s overall health. It improves access to both by blending behavioral health and primary care services together in one setting. Learn More
The IBH Lexicon The Integrated Behavioral Health (IBH) Lexicon is a set of concepts and definitions developed by experts to provide a practical definition of behavioral health integration as implemented in practice settings. It enables clear communication and action among multiple stakeholders working for effective, widespread implementation on a meaningful scale. Learn More
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Playbooks Follow guidance on how to integrate behavioral health and medication-assisted treatment for opioid use disorder into primary care or other ambulatory care settings.
Substance Use Resources Access resources for providers treating substance use disorder in primary care practices.
Literature Collection Review the growing body of evidence evaluating the integration of behavioral health and primary care.
Lexicon Gain a practical definition of behavioral health integration as implemented in actual practice settings and develop shared language that helps communication and collaboration across sites, disciplines, and time.
Professional Practices Find out how practices are successfully integrating care and explore the set of competencies that practices, providers, and staff need to advance integration efforts.
Topic Briefs Access briefs that overview timely topics in integrated behavioral health, and links to references and practical resources. The briefs are developed by experts for use by busy providers, as well as other audiences.