Substance Use Tools & Resources
This collection of tools and resources is for providers, staff, and patients who offer or use services to address substance use, and other interested stakeholders. This collection was originally established following an environmental scan on implementing medication-assisted treatment (MAT) for opioid use disorder (OUD) in rural primary care. (See PDFs of Volume 1 [PDF 0.69 MB] and Volume 2 [PDF 1.28 MB] of that scan). Items have been continuously added to this collection since then, and the collection has expanded to cover substance use more broadly, rather than just MAT for OUD.
Practice Guidelines for Chronic Pain Management
Provides recommendations that assist the practitioner and patient in making decisions about healthcare, specifically chronic pain management.
Talking With Your Adult Patients About Alcohol, Drug, and/or Mental Health Problems: A Discussion Guide for Primary Health Care Providers
Equips clinicians with questions to begin discussions with adult patients about alcohol, illicit drug, and mental health problems, as well as co-occurring disorders. Includes resources for patients who need an evaluation after a positive screen.
VA/DoD Clinical Practice Guideline for Opioid Therapy for Chronic Pain: Sample Opioid Pain Care Agreement
Consent form on which patient acknowledges understanding and expectations of opioid therapy and agrees to adhere to agreed-upon patient behaviors.
4Ps Screening Tool for Drug and Alcohol Use
This screening device is often used as a way to begin discussion about drug and alcohol use. Any woman who answers yes to one or more questions should be referred for further assessment.
Buprenorphine: A Guide for Nurses: TAP 30. Technical Assistance Publication Series.
Clinical Guideline for the Use of Chronic Opioid Therapy in Chronic Noncancer Pain
Details evidence-based clinical practice guidelines for use of chronic opioid therapy in adults with chronic noncancer pain.
Cross-Validation of a Screener To Predict Opioid Misuse in Chronic Pain Patients (SOAPP-R)
Current Opioid Misuse Measure (COMM)
Uses a 17-item self-assessment to identify patients with chronic pain taking opioids who have indicators of current aberrant drug-related behaviors.
Guidelines for the Psychosocially Assisted Pharmacological Treatment of Opioid Dependence
Provides guidelines related to opioid dependence that aim to: reduce global barriers to effective treatment; contribute to the development of evidence-based, ethical treatment policies; contribute to improvement of the quality of pharmacological treatment; and facilitate implementation of effective treatment policies and programs.