Substance Use Tools & Resources
This collection of tools and resources is for providers, staff, and patients who offer or use services to address substance use, and other interested stakeholders. This collection was originally established following an environmental scan on implementing medication-assisted treatment (MAT) for opioid use disorder (OUD) in rural primary care. (See PDFs of Volume 1 [PDF 0.69 MB] and Volume 2 [PDF 1.28 MB] of that scan). Items have been continuously added to this collection since then, and the collection has expanded to cover substance use more broadly, rather than just MAT for OUD.
8 Hour and 24 Hour MAT Waiver Training
American Psychiatric Association Learning Center
Offers a number of trainings related to MAT and opioid use disorder (OUD), including a number of archived webinars. Covers topics such as developing Federal policy related to MAT, expanding access to treatment with innovative care models, treating co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders, managing pain in patients on MAT, and improving long-term outcomes of MAT.
Appropriate Use of Drug Testing in Clinical Addiction Medicine
Provides guidance about the use of drug testing in the identification, diagnosis, treatment and promotion of recovery for patients with or at risk of addiction. Links to additional resources, such as a pocket guide and a slide deck.
ASAM Fundamentals of Addiction Medicine 40-Hour CME Program
Includes an educational program for primary care and other providers to diagnose and treat patients at risk of or with addiction.
ASAM National Practice Guideline App
Gives healthcare providers instant access to current opioid-related guidelines in a clear, concise format.