Substance Use Tools & Resources
This collection of tools and resources is for providers, staff, and patients who offer or use services to address substance use, and other interested stakeholders. This collection was originally established following an environmental scan on implementing medication-assisted treatment (MAT) for opioid use disorder (OUD) in rural primary care. (See PDFs of Volume 1 [PDF 0.69 MB] and Volume 2 [PDF 1.28 MB] of that scan). Items have been continuously added to this collection since then, and the collection has expanded to cover substance use more broadly, rather than just MAT for OUD.
California Medication Assisted Treatment Expansion Project Prescriber Toolkit
EMPOWER: A Community-Based Approach To Improve Care for Women With Newborns Affected by Perinatal Substance Use Disorder
Facts for Medication Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder
Finding Quality Treatment for Substance Use Disorders
How Does Injection Naltrexone Work?
How to Track Treatment Progress and Adherence with the ASAM Criteria (Slides)
The slides from this informative webinar will aid drug court team members in tracking treatment progress and ensuring that participants adhere to medication in addiction treatment. jointly sponsored by the National Association of Drug Court Professionals and the American Society of Addiction Medicine, this webinar was designed especially for judges, coordinators, prosecutors, defense attorneys, supervision officers, case managers, and other team members who refer, monitor, or otherwise support behavioral health treatment in drug courts.
Jail-Based Medication-Assisted Treatment: Promising Practices, Guidelines, and Resources for the Field
Presents promising practices, guidelines, and resources for people working in jail-based MAT.