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BACKGROUND: Hospitalized patients with opioid use disorder (OUD) are rarely started on buprenorphine or methadone maintenance despite evidence that these medications reduce all-cause mortality, overdoses, and hospital readmissions. OBJECTIVE: To assess whether clinician education and a team of residents and hospitalist attendings waivered to prescribe buprenorphine increased the rate of starting patients with OUD on buprenorphine maintenance. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: Quality improvement study conducted at a large, urban, academic hospital in Maryland involving hospitalized patients with OUD on internal medicine resident services. INTERVENTION: We developed a protocol for initiating buprenorphine maintenance, presented an educational conference, and started the resident-led Buprenorphine Bridge Team of residents and attendings waivered to prescribe buprenorphine to bridge patients from discharge to follow-up. MEASUREMENTS: The percent of eligible inpatients with OUD initiated on buprenorphine maintenance, 24 weeks before and after the intervention; engagement in treatment after discharge; and resident knowledge and comfort with buprenorphine. RESULTS: The rate of starting buprenorphine maintenance increased from 10% (30 of 305 eligible patients) to 24% (64 of 270 eligible patients) after the intervention, with interrupted time series analysis showing a significant increase in rate (14.4%; 95% CI, 3.6%-25.3%; P = .02). Engagement in treatment after discharge was unchanged (40%-46% engaged 30 days after discharge). Of 156 internal medicine residents, 89 (57%) completed the baseline survey and 66 (42%) completed the follow-up survey. Responses demonstrated improved resident knowledge and comfort with buprenorphine. CONCLUSION: Internal medicine resident teams were more likely to start patients on buprenorphine maintenance after clinician education and implementation of a Buprenorphine Bridge Team.

A significant percentage of patients with psychiatric disorders are exclusively seen for health-care services by primary care physicians. To address the mental health needs of such patients, collaborative models of care were developed including the embedded psychiatry consult model which places a consultant psychiatrist on-site to assist the primary care physician to recognize psychiatric disorders, prescribe psychiatric medication, and develop management strategies. Outcome studies have produced ambiguous and inconsistent findings regarding the impact of this model. This review examines a primary care-embedded psychiatric consultation service in place for nine years in a family medicine residency program. Psychiatric consultants, family physicians, and residents actively involved in the service participated in structured interviews designed to identify the clinical and educational value of the service. The benefits and limitations identified were then categorized into physician, consultant, patient, and systems factors. Among the challenges identified were inconsistent patient appointment-keeping, ambiguity about appropriate referrals, consultant scope-of-practice parameters, and delayed follow-up with consultation recommendations. Improved psychiatric education for primary care physicians also appeared to shift referrals toward more complex patients. The benefits identified included the availability of psychiatric services to underserved and disenfranchised patients, increased primary care physician comfort with medication management, and improved interprofessional communication and education. The integration of the service into the clinic fostered the development of a more psychologically minded practice. While highly valued by respondents, potential benefits of the service were limited by residency-specific factors including consultant availability and the high ratio of primary care physicians to consultants.