Youth Mental Health Screening: SAMHSA Releases a New Tool


The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA’s) “Talk. They Hear You.” a youth substance use prevention campaign, has developed a new tool to help parents and caregivers better understand the health, wellness, and wellbeing of their children. Screen4Success is a screener built to quickly and easily identify areas that may benefit from more support and allows parents and caregivers to meet their kids where they are in these areas.

This user-friendly screener poses questions to children about substance use, mental and physical health, general wellbeing, and family life. Registered users may complete the screener with their child or allow their child to take it on their own. After completion, users will receive results and a list of helpful resources. The Screen4Success web page also includes a hub of resources, including nearby locations for support. This tool can be accessed not only on the web, but through the “Talk. They Hear You.” campaign app. More tools and resources related to substance use can be found at the AHRQ Academy website.