NAM Action Collaborative on Combatting Substance Use and Opioid Crises


The National Academy of Medicine’s (NAM’s) Action Collaborative on Combatting Substance Use and Opioid Crises recently opened applications for a new pilot project for core competency implementation. The call for applications includes a description of the project, key aspects of participation in the implementation pilot, and a project template. The Collaborative is seeking 15 initiatives, programs, or institutions who are ready to lead interprofessional education and transform substance use care. See below for a project description.

“Through this implementation pilot project, your initiative, program, or institution will play a pivotal role in the implementation and uptake of the Action Collaborative’s Core Competency Framework, which is designed to enhance interprofessional education and practice in substance use care. The primary goal of the implementation pilot is to gather learnings on the feasibility and utility of implementing different aspects of the Framework in a variety of interprofessional education and practice settings for substance use. Additionally, through implementation of the Core Competency Framework in a manner that ties it to existing requirements, standards, and/or priorities, your team can make progress towards achieving your goals and addressing current challenges or needs.”

According to the NAM, benefits of participating in this implementation pilot include:

  1. Access free resources to address key workforce challenges
  2. Become recognized nationally as an interprofessional leader in substance use care
  3. Collaborate with NAM’s expansive network of organizations and partners

The Application Survey is due by June 15, 2024. Additional details can be found in the Project Overview document. For information on a wide variety of topics on substance use, also see the collection of Substance Use Tools and Resources on the Academy website.