Unhealthy Alcohol Use Awareness and Education

Tools and resources used to provide information and education for the purpose of increasing awareness and understanding about unhealthy alcohol use

Environmental Scan Final Report - Managing Unhealthy Alcohol Use in Primary Care

This report is a culmination of an e-scan conducted annually from August 2019 to August 2023 for AHRQ’s EvidenceNOW: Managing Unhealthy Alcohol Use Initiative, to address Unhealthy Alcohol Use (UAU). The initiative funded six sites (grantees) that supported several hundred primary care practices to increase implementation of UAU evidence-based interventions such as screening and brief intervention (SBI) and medication-assisted therapy (MAT).

Substance Use (VA)

This web page provides information for patients about substance use treatment options available through the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) medical centers, including cognitive behavioral therapy, motivational interviewing, motivational enhancement therapy, and medications.

U.S. Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, Treasury issue 2022 Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act Report to Congress

Provides information on the implementation of the Paul Wellstone and Pete Domenici Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act of 2008 (MHPAEA), highlighting the DOL, HHS, and Treasury's emphasis on greater MHPAEA enforcement


Pahola is PAHO's first artificial intelligence (AI) health specialist and the only AI digital health worker in the world that specializes in alcohol-related topics. Pahola can communicate interactively - in three languages (English, Portuguese, and Spanish) - with people about their alcohol consumption, assess their risk, help them reduce or stop alcohol use, or direct them to resources for treatment and recovery