Training and Education About Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment

Tools and resources for providing education and training about SBIRT to a broader audience (both providers and patients). These are not specifically for implementation.

Routine Assessment of Symptoms of Substance Use Disorders in Primary Care: Prevalence and Severity of Reported Symptoms

Explores the use of routine screening for symptoms of substance use disorder (SUD), including alcohol use disorder (AUD), in primary care practices and found that the use of symptom checklists could help primary care providers identify and treat patients with SUD

Program Evaluation on the Use of the Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) Process in Primary Care Physician Offices

Describes results of a program evaluation conducted with thousands of primary care physician practices in the State of Pennsylvania, recommending that practices identify SBIRT resources and support, conduct roundtable discussions with physicians, and establish SBIRT champions within their practice

Prevention Strategies for Unhealthy Alcohol Use (From the Handbook of Evidence-Based Prevention of Behavioral Disorders in Integrated Care)

Describes prevention strategies for the identification of unhealthy alcohol use in primary care, including outlining risk factors, methods of screening, and a model for how to adapt alcohol-related prevention methods to a stepped care approach

Computerized Relational Agent to Deliver Alcohol Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment in Primary Care: A Randomized Clinical Trial

Randomized trial of a relational agent-based intervention for alcohol use disorder (AUD), showing that technology can be leveraged to deliver screening and referral to treatment for AUD in primary care medical settings