Implementation of Medication-Assisted Treatment in Primary Care

Tools and resources used to implement MAT for alcohol or other substance use disorders in primary care settings

Designing, Implementing and Sustaining Physical Health-Behavioral Health Integration: The Comprehensive Healthcare Integration Framework

This framework guides the implementation of integration of physical and behavioral health (including mental health and substance use) for all child and adult populations. The framework can be used by any provider in a broad range of settings and organizations.

CMS Behavioral Health Strategy

Summarizes the goals, objectives, and supporting activities of the CMS Behavioral Health Strategy, which aims to support a person's whole emotional and mental well-being through covering multiple elements, including access to prevention and treatment services for substance use disorders, mental health services, crisis intervention, and pain care

What Can Primary Care Services Do to Help First Nations People with Unhealthy Alcohol Use? A Systematic Review: Australia, New Zealand, USA and Canada

Reviews 28 studies about alcohol treatments delivered in primary care settings, finding that trials of naltrexone and disulfiram had positive results, but that more studies are needed to assess the effectiveness of the full scope of alcohol treatment

Trends in the Use of Naltrexone for Addiction Treatment Among Alcohol Use Disorder Admissions in U.S. Substance Use Treatment Facilities

Study looking at the use of naltrexone for alcohol use disorder in substance use treatment facilities, showing that naltrexone is more commonly prescribed compared with acamprosate and disulfiram but that it remains underused