Unhealthy Alcohol Use

those resources providing information about unhealthy drinking, including risky or hazardous drinking, harmful drinking, alcohol abuse, alcohol dependence, alcoholism, alcohol addiction, and alcohol use disorder.

Improving Screening, Treatment, and Intervention for Unhealthy Alcohol Use in Primary Care Through Clinic, Practice-Based Research Network, and Health Plan Partnerships: Protocol of the ANTECEDENT Study

Describes the protocol of the ANTECEDENT study, an implementation study designed to support primary care clinics in Oregon adopting screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment and medication-assisted treatment for alcohol use disorder workflows to address unhealthy alcohol use

What Can Primary Care Services Do to Help First Nations People with Unhealthy Alcohol Use? A Systematic Review: Australia, New Zealand, USA and Canada

Reviews 28 studies about alcohol treatments delivered in primary care settings, finding that trials of naltrexone and disulfiram had positive results, but that more studies are needed to assess the effectiveness of the full scope of alcohol treatment