
A seminar conducted over the internet, or an audio/visual recording available on the internet. The user may access at will.

Primary Care Research During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Perspectives from AHRQ's UAU Grantees

This webinar focuses on lessons learned about conducting primary care research during the COVID-19 epidemic from grantees participating in the EvidenceNOW: Managing Unhealthy Alcohol Use Initiative. The webinar addresses common challenges and potential solutions with practice recruitment, logistical problems such as data collection and human subjects concerns, and strategies to initiate and maintain engagement with practices.

Stigma, Drugs, and Policy: How Language Drives Change

Language matters when it comes to treating substance use disorders (SUD). Stigma has been proven to have a negative impact on health outcomes, not only leading many individuals with SUD to not seek treatment, but also influencing how health professionals treat their patients. Using non-stigmatizing, person-centered, and recovery-oriented language can help providers facilitate engagement in treatment for individuals with SUD.