Web-Based Course

Online training, often a series of trainings.

Addiction 101

Understand the basics of addiction, including how it affects the brain, why some people are more susceptible to developing an addiction, and how addiction can be prevented and treated.

Pain Management and Opioids Free Online CME Module

This module features more than 60 case-based questions on pain management, safer prescribing of opioid analgesics, and the recognition and treatment of opioid use disorder. To ensure the development of high-quality, unbiased content in this module, we partnered with experts at Boston University School of Medicine's Safer/Competent Opioid Prescribing Education (SCOPE of Pain) program.

Module 4: Pharmacotherapy for Alcohol Use Disorder

Describes and compares pharmacological treatment options for individuals with AUD, including FDA- approved medications acamprosate, disufiram, and naltrexone, as well as two other evidence-based treatments that are not yet FDA approved, topiramate and gabapentin; includes diagnosis of AUD, definitions of binge drinking and “at risk” drinking, and a case vignette; up to 1 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ for continuing education