Report/Paper/Issue Brief

PDF documents of various lengths (though usually longer than one page), which have a practical application for clinical staff or others. Most fall into the category of grey literature, which includes government reports, white papers, and issue briefs. Generally this will not include peer-reviewed journal articles. Items often have a title or description that includes one of these terms.

An Action Plan for Strengthening Mental Health and the Prevention of Suicide in the Aftermath of COVID-19

The National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention launched the Mental Health & Suicide Prevention National Response to COVID-19 steering committee of public and private sector leaders developed six priorities and related actions in order to foster a comprehensive and impactful response to the significant mental health and suicide prevention needs associated with the coronavirus pandemic.

Supporting a Nation in Crisis: Solutions for Local Leaders to Improve Mental Health and Well-Being During and Post-COVID-19

The de Beaumont Foundation and Well Being Trust released an action guide for local leaders that emphasizes the urgency of addressing the growing mental health and addiction issues in their communities resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. “Supporting a Nation in Crisis: Solutions for Local Leaders to Improve Mental Health and Well-Being During and Post-COVID-19” includes more than 60 evidence-based policies, practices, and programs that can prevent further loss of life and livelihood from the nation’s growing mental health crisis.

A Guide for Health Systems to Save Lives from “Deaths of Despair” and Improve Community Well-Being

This guide is a resource for health care systems to improve mental health and well-being in the communities they serve, focusing specifically on saving lives from deaths of despair. The guide endeavors to provide a comprehensive framework in which multiple stakeholders (e.g., people from marginalized populations and communities and leaders in sectors such as health care, education, justice system, local government, employers) can identify themselves and their contributions.

Reducing Opioid Misuse

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services is responding to the opioid epidemic by promoting safe and responsible pain management, making sure patients can access treatment for opioid use disorder, and using data to target prevention and treatment.

Retention Strategies for Medications for Addiction Treatment in Adults With Opioid Use Disorder

The U.S. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, on behalf of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, commissioned a rapid evidence review on the effectiveness of interventions to promote a broader understanding of the published literature on medication-assisted treatment retention among adults with opioid use disorder.