This article reviews a recent study that evaluated if acces to rewarding, fun activities operates as a protective factor for people receiving treatment for substance use difficulties.
The resource provides a state-by-state review of available opioid settlement grantmaking programs and whether community organizations are eligible to apply. These funding opportunities allow community services to address the overdose crisis.
This news release summarizes a new study which identified the top reasons why some physicians may be reluctant to intervene in addiction. The comprehensive review, pulling 283 studies published on this topic within the last 61 years, showed that “institutional environment” was the reason most frequently reported in these studies.
This web page provides resources for caring for BIPOC individuals on their mental health journeys. It discusses racism, discrimination, and health disparities experienced in these community. It also duscusses stigma within comunities and how to employ culturally informed practices.
The article reviews how states are using data collected from OUD treatment measures. Emphasis is placed on expanding access to treatment and improving quality and health equity.
The guideline describes the critical decision points in the management of Suicidal Risk Behavior (SRB) for suicidal self-directed violent behavior and provides clear and comprehensive evidence-based recommendations incorporating current information and practices for practitioners throughout the DoD and VA Health Care systems.
This resource center offers practical guidance to help Medicaid stakeholders, including community-based organizations, engage community members in policy and program design development, especially as a means of increasing health equity.