Withdrawal from Opioids

Provide information about the assessment and management of a patient’s withdrawal from opioids.

The Role of Low-Threshold Treatment for Patients with Opioid Use Dusirder (OUD) in Primary Care

This Topic Brief provides an overview of what constitutes low-threshold treatment for patients with OUD, the state of the evidence and patient perspectives on low-threshold OUD treatment, and key steps and strategies for providing low-threshold treatment for patients with OUD in primary care settings.

A Guideline for the Clinical Management of Opioid Use Disorder

This provincial evidence-based guideline articulates the full range of therapeutic options for the optimal treatment of adults and youth with varying presentations of opioid use disorder. It is intended for use for all British Colombia (BC) physicians, nursing and allied health professionals, and other care providers involved in the treatment of individuals with opioid use disorder.