Clinical Guidelines

Offer evidence-based recommendations for clinicians about the care of patients.

Pain Management and the Opioid Epidemic: Balancing Societal and Individual Benefits and Risks of Prescription Opioid Use

This guideline updates the state of the science on pain research, care, and education with a particular focus on informing the Food and Drug Administration's (FDA's) development of a formal method for incorporating individual and societal considerations into its risk-benefit framework for opioid approval and monitoring.

Drug Safety Communications - FDA warns about dental problems with buprenorphine medicines dissolved in the mouth to treat opioid use disorder and pain

This is an FDA warning that dental problems have been reported with medicines containing buprenorphine that are dissolved in the mouth. Despite these risks, buprenorphine is an important treatment option for opioid use disorder (OUD) and pain, and the benefits of these medicines clearly outweigh the risks.