Training and Education About Substance Use Treatment

Tools and resources for providing education and training about SU to a broader audience. These are not specifically for implementation.

Treating Tranq: Practical Lessons from the Epicenter of the Xylazine Crisis

This 75-minute on-demand session from the ASAM 55th Annual Conference addresses how to identify and treat xylazine-associated wounds with patient-centered strategies.This didactic case-based session addresses national xylazine trends, drug properties, overdose and withdrawal management, wound care, pain management, and harm reduction with a focus on patient-centered care.

Wounds, Withdrawal, and Overdose: What to Expect from Xylazine Drug Supply Adulteration

This 75-minute on-demand session from the ASAM 54th Annual Conference addresses the pharmacology, toxicology, diagnostic testing, and epidemiology of xylazine in exposures. The session includes didactic content, case-based narrative, review of literature, and panel discussion to review important topics about the emerging xylazine crisis in the US.

Talk. They Hear You. Student Assistance - A Guide for School Administrators

This guide provides school leaders and administrators with key information regarding a broad range of student assistance services. It addresses school connectedness, substance use, mental health promotion, and violence prevention. The guide includes information about effective planning, implementation, evaluation, and sustainability of student assistance programs in disparate settings.