Substance Use Tools & Resources
This collection of tools and resources is for providers, staff, and patients who offer or use services to address substance use, and other interested stakeholders. This collection was originally established following an environmental scan on implementing medication-assisted treatment (MAT) for opioid use disorder (OUD) in rural primary care. (See PDFs of Volume 1 [PDF 0.69 MB] and Volume 2 [PDF 1.28 MB] of that scan). Items have been continuously added to this collection since then, and the collection has expanded to cover substance use more broadly, rather than just MAT for OUD.
NIATx Buprenorphine Implementation Toolkit
Provides an overview of how organizations can use NIATx practices and tools to implement or improve a buprenorphine treatment program.
Use of Medication-Assisted Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder in Criminal Justice Settings
Bloomberg American Health Initiative - Fentanyl FORECAST Study
An informational page on the Bloomberg American Health Initiative website which details facts and resources from their Fentanyl Overdose Reduction Checking Analysis Study (FORECAST).
Fact Sheet: Fentanyl Testing to Prevent Overdose
How to Track Treatment Progress and Adherence with the ASAM Criteria (Slides)
The slides from this informative webinar will aid drug court team members in tracking treatment progress and ensuring that participants adhere to medication in addiction treatment. jointly sponsored by the National Association of Drug Court Professionals and the American Society of Addiction Medicine, this webinar was designed especially for judges, coordinators, prosecutors, defense attorneys, supervision officers, case managers, and other team members who refer, monitor, or otherwise support behavioral health treatment in drug courts.
Reducing Risk of Misuse and Diversion
Describes strategies to help reduce the potential for misuse or diversion of medication for SUD treatment.
Safer-Use Strategies: Uppers/Stimulants
Treatment Improvement Protocol (TIP) 63: Medications for Opioid Use Disorders
Reviews three FDA-approved medications for OUD treatment (methadone, naltrexone, and buprenorphine) and the other strategies and services needed to support people in recovery.