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Adverse events related to bystander naloxone administration in cases of suspected opioid overdose in British Columbia: An observational study
Type: Journal Article
Authors: A. Moustaqim-Barrette, K. Papamihali, S. Williams, M. Ferguson, J. Moe, R. Purssell, J. A. Buxton
Year: 2021

INTRODUCTION: Take-Home Naloxone programs have been introduced across North America in response to rising opioid overdose deaths. There is currently limited real-world data on bystander naloxone administration, overdose outcomes, and evidence related to adverse events following bystander naloxone administration. METHODS: The research team used descriptive statistics from Take-Home Naloxone administration forms. We explored reported demographic variables and adverse events among people who received by-stander administered naloxone in a suspected opioid overdose event between August 31, 2012 and December 31, 2018 in British Columbia. We examined and contextualized differences across years given policy, program and drug toxicity changes. We used multivariate logistic regression to examine whether an association exists between number of ampoules of naloxone administered and the odds that the recipient will experience withdrawal symptoms. RESULTS: A large majority (98.1%) of individuals who were administered naloxone survived their overdose and 69.2% had no or only mild withdrawal symptoms. Receiving three (Adjusted Odds Ratio (AOR) 1.64 (95% Confidence Interval (CI): 1.08-2.48)) or four or more (AOR 2.19 (95% CI: 1.32-3.62)) ampoules of naloxone was significantly associated with odds of moderate or severe withdrawal compared to receiving one ampoule of naloxone. CONCLUSIONS: This study provides evidence from thousands of bystander reversed opioid overdoses using Take-Home Naloxone kits in British Columbia, and suggests bystander-administered naloxone is safe and effective for opioid overdose reversal. Data suggests an emphasis on titration during bystander naloxone training in situations where the person experiencing overdose can be adequately ventilated may help avoid severe withdrawal symptoms. We identified a decreasing trend in the likelihood of moderate or severe withdrawal over the study period.

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Adverse Health Effects Associated with Opioid Abuse and Non-Fatal Overdose
Type: Report
Authors: New Mexico Statewide Epidemiological Outcomes Workgroup
Year: 2018
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This grey literature reference is included in the Academy's Literature Collection in keeping with our mission to gather all sources of information on integration. Grey literature is comprised of materials that are not made available through traditional publishing avenues. Often, the information from unpublished resources can be limited and the risk of bias cannot be determined.

Alberta's provincial take-home naloxone program: A multi-sectoral and multi-jurisdictional response to overdose
Type: Journal Article
Authors: Lisa K. Freeman, Stacey Bourque, Nick Etches, Karin Goodison, Claire O'Gorman, Kay Rittenbach, Christopher A. Sikora, Mark Yarema
Year: 2017
Publication Place: Switzerland

SETTING: Alberta is a prairie province located in western Canada, with a population of approximately 4.3 million. In 2016, 363 Albertans died from apparent drug overdoses related to fentanyl, an opioid 50-100 times more toxic than morphine. This surpassed the number of deaths from motor vehicle collisions and homicides combined. INTERVENTION: Naloxone is a safe, effective, opioid antagonist that may quickly reverse an opioid overdose. In July 2015, a committee of community-based harm reduction programs in Alberta implemented a geographically restricted take-home naloxone (THN) program. The successes and limitations of this program demonstrated the need for an expanded, multi-sectoral, multi-jurisdictional response. The provincial health authority, Alberta Health Services (AHS), used previously established incident command system processes to coordinate implementation of a provincial THN program. OUTCOMES: Alberta's provincial THN program was implemented on December 23, 2015. This collaborative program resulted in a coordinated response across jurisdictional levels with wide geographical reach. Between December 2015 and December 2016, 953 locations, including many community pharmacies, registered to dispense THN kits, 9572 kits were distributed, and 472 reversals were reported. The provincial supply of THN kits more than tripled from 3000 to 10 000. IMPLICATIONS: Alberta was uniquely poised to deliver a large, province-wide, multi-sectoral and multi-jurisdictional THN program as part of a comprehensive response to increasing opioid-related morbidity and mortality. The speed at which AHS was able to roll out the program was made possible by work done previously and the willingness of multiple jurisdictions to work together to build on and expand the program.

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America's Opioid Epidemic: Supply and Demand Considerations
Type: Journal Article
Authors: D. J. Clark, M. A. Schumacher
Year: 2017
Publication Place: United States
Abstract: America is in the midst of an opioid epidemic characterized by aggressive prescribing practices, highly prevalent opioid misuse, and rising rates of prescription and illicit opioid overdose-related deaths. Medical and lay public sentiment have become more cautious with respect to prescription opioid use in the past few years, but a comprehensive strategy to reduce our reliance on prescription opioids is lacking. Addressing this epidemic through reductions in unnecessary access to these drugs while implementing measures to reduce demand will be important components of any comprehensive solution. Key supply-side measures include avoiding overprescribing, reducing diversion, and discouraging misuse through changes in drug formulations. Important demand-side measures center around educating patients and clinicians regarding the pitfalls of opioid overuse and methods to avoid unnecessary exposure to these drugs. Anesthesiologists, by virtue of their expertise in the use of these drugs and their position in guiding opioid use around the time of surgery, have important roles to play in reducing patient exposure to opioids and providing education about appropriate use. Aside from the many immediate steps that can be taken, clinical and basic research directed at understanding the interaction between pain and opioid misuse is critical to identifying the optimal use of these powerful pain relievers in clinical practice.
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America's Opioid Epidemic: Supply and Demand Considerations
Type: Journal Article
Authors: D. J. Clark, M. A. Schumacher
Year: 2017
Publication Place: United States
Abstract: America is in the midst of an opioid epidemic characterized by aggressive prescribing practices, highly prevalent opioid misuse, and rising rates of prescription and illicit opioid overdose-related deaths. Medical and lay public sentiment have become more cautious with respect to prescription opioid use in the past few years, but a comprehensive strategy to reduce our reliance on prescription opioids is lacking. Addressing this epidemic through reductions in unnecessary access to these drugs while implementing measures to reduce demand will be important components of any comprehensive solution. Key supply-side measures include avoiding overprescribing, reducing diversion, and discouraging misuse through changes in drug formulations. Important demand-side measures center around educating patients and clinicians regarding the pitfalls of opioid overuse and methods to avoid unnecessary exposure to these drugs. Anesthesiologists, by virtue of their expertise in the use of these drugs and their position in guiding opioid use around the time of surgery, have important roles to play in reducing patient exposure to opioids and providing education about appropriate use. Aside from the many immediate steps that can be taken, clinical and basic research directed at understanding the interaction between pain and opioid misuse is critical to identifying the optimal use of these powerful pain relievers in clinical practice.
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American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) National Practice Guideline for the Use of Medications in the Treatment of Addiction Involving Opioid Use
Type: Journal Article
Authors: K. Kampman, M. Jarvis
Year: 2015
Publication Place: United States
Abstract: The Centers for Disease Control have recently described opioid use and resultant deaths as an epidemic. At this point in time, treating this disease well with medication requires skill and time that are not generally available to primary care doctors in most practice models. Suboptimal treatment has likely contributed to expansion of the epidemic and concerns for unethical practices. At the same time, access to competent treatment is profoundly restricted because few physicians are willing and able to provide it. This "Practice Guideline" was developed to assist in the evaluation and treatment of opioid use disorder, and in the hope that, using this tool, more physicians will be able to provide effective treatment. Although there are existing guidelines for the treatment of opioid use disorder, none have included all of the medications used at present for its treatment. Moreover, few of the existing guidelines address the needs of special populations such as pregnant women, individuals with co-occurring psychiatric disorders, individuals with pain, adolescents, or individuals involved in the criminal justice system. This Practice Guideline was developed using the RAND Corporation (RAND)/University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) Appropriateness Method (RAM) - a process that combines scientific evidence and clinical knowledge to determine the appropriateness of a set of clinical procedures. The RAM is a deliberate approach encompassing review of existing guidelines, literature reviews, appropriateness ratings, necessity reviews, and document development. For this project, American Society of Addiction Medicine selected an independent committee to oversee guideline development and to assist in writing. American Society of Addiction Medicine's Quality Improvement Council oversaw the selection process for the independent development committee. Recommendations included in the guideline encompass a broad range of topics, starting with the initial evaluation of the patient, the selection of medications, the use of all the approved medications for opioid use disorder, combining psychosocial treatment with medications, the treatment of special populations, and the use of naloxone for the treatment of opioid overdose. Topics needing further research were noted.
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American Society of Interventional Pain Physicians (ASIPP) guidelines for responsible opioid prescribing in chronic non-cancer pain: Part 2--guidance
Type: Journal Article
Authors: L. Manchikanti, S. Abdi, S. Atluri, C. C. Balog, R. M. Benyamin, M. V. Boswell, K. R. Brown, B. M. Bruel, D. A. Bryce, P. A. Burks, A. W. Burton, A. K. Calodney, D. L. Caraway, K. A. Cash, P. J. Christo, K. S. Damron, S. Datta, T. R. Deer, S. Diwan, I. Eriator, F. J. Falco, B. Fellows, S. Geffert, C. G. Gharibo, S. E. Glaser, J. S. Grider, H. Hameed, M. Hameed, H. Hansen, M. E. Harned, S. M. Hayek, S. Helm II, J. A. Hirsch, J. W. Janata, A. D. Kaye, A. M. Kaye, D. S. Kloth, D. Koyyalagunta, M. Lee, Y. Malla, K. N. Manchikanti, C. D. McManus, V. Pampati, A. T. Parr, R. Pasupuleti, V. B. Patel, N. Sehgal, S. M. Silverman, V. Singh, H. S. Smith, L. T. Snook, D. R. Solanki, D. H. Tracy, R. Vallejo, B. W. Wargo, American Society of Interventional Pain Physicians
Year: 2012
Publication Place: United States
Abstract: RESULTS: Part 2 of the guidelines on responsible opioid prescribing provides the following recommendations for initiating and maintaining chronic opioid therapy of 90 days or longer. 1. A) Comprehensive assessment and documentation is recommended before initiating opioid therapy, including documentation of comprehensive history, general medical condition, psychosocial history, psychiatric status, and substance use history. ( EVIDENCE: good) B) Despite limited evidence for reliability and accuracy, screening for opioid use is recommended, as it will identify opioid abusers and reduce opioid abuse. ( EVIDENCE: limited) C) Prescription monitoring programs must be implemented, as they provide data on patterns of prescription usage, reduce prescription drug abuse or doctor shopping. ( EVIDENCE: good to fair) D) Urine drug testing (UDT) must be implemented from initiation along with subsequent adherence monitoring to decrease prescription drug abuse or illicit drug use when patients are in chronic pain management therapy. ( EVIDENCE: good) 2. A) Establish appropriate physical diagnosis and psychological diagnosis if available prior to initiating opioid therapy. ( EVIDENCE: good) B) Caution must be exercised in ordering various imaging and other evaluations, interpretation and communication with the patient, to avoid increased fear, activity restriction, requests for increased opioids, and maladaptive behaviors. ( EVIDENCE: good) C) Stratify patients into one of the 3 risk categories - low, medium, or high risk. D) A pain management consultation, may assist non-pain physicians, if high-dose opioid therapy is utilized. ( EVIDENCE: fair) 3. Essential to establish medical necessity prior to initiation or maintenance of opioid therapy. ( EVIDENCE: good) 4. Establish treatment goals of opioid therapy with regard to pain relief and improvement in function. ( EVIDENCE: good) 5. A) Long-acting opioids in high doses are recommended only in specific circumstances with severe intractable pain that is not amenable to short-acting or moderate doses of long-acting opioids, as there is no significant difference between long-acting and short-acting opioids for their effectiveness or adverse effects. ( EVIDENCE: fair) B) The relative and absolute contraindications to opioid use in chronic non-cancer pain must be evaluated including respiratory instability, acute psychiatric instability, uncontrolled suicide risk, active or history of alcohol or substance abuse, confirmed allergy to opioid agents, coadministration of drugs capable of inducing life-limiting drug interaction, concomitant use of benzodiazepines, active diversion of controlled substances, and concomitant use of heavy doses of central nervous system depressants. ( EVIDENCE: fair to limited) 6. A robust agreement which is followed by all parties is essential in initiating and maintaining opioid therapy as such agreements reduce overuse, misuse, abuse, and diversion. ( EVIDENCE: fair) 7. A) Once medical necessity is established, opioid therapy may be initiated with low doses and short-acting drugs with appropriate monitoring to provide effective relief and avoid side effects. ( EVIDENCE: fair for short-term effectiveness, limited for long-term effectiveness) B) Up to 40 mg of morphine equivalent is considered as low dose, 41 to 90 mg of morphine equivalent as a moderate dose, and greater than 91 mg of morphine equivalence as high dose. ( EVIDENCE: fair) C) In reference to long-acting opioids, titration must be carried out with caution and overdose and misuse must be avoided. ( EVIDENCE: good) 8. A) Methadone is recommended for use in late stages after failure of other opioid therapy and only by clinicians with specific training in the risks and uses. ( EVIDENCE: limited) B) Monitoring recommendation for methadone prescription is that an electrocardiogram should be obtained prior to initiation, at 30 days and yearly thereafter. ( EVIDENCE: fair) 9. In order to reduce prescription drug abuse and doctor shopping, adherence monitoring by UDT and PMDPs provide evidence that is essential to the identification of those patients who are non-compliant or abusing prescription drugs or illicit drugs. ( EVIDENCE: fair) 10. Constipation must be closely monitored and a bowel regimen be initiated as soon as deemed necessary. ( EVIDENCE: good) 11. Chronic opioid therapy may be continued, with continuous adherence monitoring, in well-selected populations, in conjunction with or after failure of other modalities of treatments with improvement in physical and functional status and minimal adverse effects. ( EVIDENCE: fair). DISCLAIMER: The guidelines are based on the best available evidence and do not constitute inflexible treatment recommendations. Due to the changing body of evidence, this document is not intended to be a "standard of care."
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American Society of Interventional Pain Physicians (ASIPP) guidelines for responsible opioid prescribing in chronic non-cancer pain: Part I--evidence assessment
Type: Journal Article
Authors: L. Manchikanti, S. Abdi, S. Atluri, C. C. Balog, R. M. Benyamin, M. V. Boswell, K. R. Brown, B. M. Bruel, D. A. Bryce, P. A. Burks, A. W. Burton, A. K. Calodney, D. L. Caraway, K. A. Cash, P. J. Christo, K. S. Damron, S. Datta, T. R. Deer, S. Diwan, I. Eriator, F. J. Falco, B. Fellows, S. Geffert, C. G. Gharibo, S. E. Glaser, J. S. Grider, H. Hameed, M. Hameed, H. Hansen, M. E. Harned, S. M. Hayek, S. Helm II, J. A. Hirsch, J. W. Janata, A. D. Kaye, A. M. Kaye, D. S. Kloth, D. Koyyalagunta, M. Lee, Y. Malla, K. N. Manchikanti, C. D. McManus, V. Pampati, A. T. Parr, R. Pasupuleti, V. B. Patel, N. Sehgal, S. M. Silverman, V. Singh, H. S. Smith, L. T. Snook, D. R. Solanki, D. H. Tracy, R. Vallejo, B. W. Wargo, American Society of Interventional Pain Physicians
Year: 2012
Publication Place: United States
Abstract: BACKGROUND: Opioid abuse has continued to increase at an alarming rate since the 1990 s. As documented by different medical specialties, medical boards, advocacy groups, and the Drug Enforcement Administration, available evidence suggests a wide variance in chronic opioid therapy of 90 days or longer in chronic non-cancer pain. Part 1 describes evidence assessment. OBJECTIVES: The objectives of opioid guidelines as issued by the American Society of Interventional Pain Physicians (ASIPP) are to provide guidance for the use of opioids for the treatment of chronic non-cancer pain, to produce consistency in the application of an opioid philosophy among the many diverse groups involved, to improve the treatment of chronic non-cancer pain, and to reduce the incidence of abuse and drug diversion. The focus of these guidelines is to curtail the abuse of opioids without jeopardizing non-cancer pain management with opioids. RESULTS: 1) There is good evidence that non-medical use of opioids is extensive; one-third of chronic pain patients may not use prescribed opioids as prescribed or may abuse them, and illicit drug use is significantly higher in these patients. 2) There is good evidence that opioid prescriptions are increasing rapidly, as the majority of prescriptions are from non-pain physicians, many patients are on long-acting opioids, and many patients are provided with combinations of long-acting and short-acting opioids. 3) There is good evidence that the increased supply of opioids, use of high dose opioids, doctor shoppers, and patients with multiple comorbid factors contribute to the majority of the fatalities. 4) There is fair evidence that long-acting opioids and a combination of long-acting and short-acting opioids contribute to increasing fatalities and that even low-doses of 40 mg or 50 mg of daily morphine equivalent doses may be responsible for emergency room admissions with overdoses and deaths. 5) There is good evidence that approximately 60% of fatalities originate from opioids prescribed within the guidelines, with approximately 40% of fatalities occurring in 10% of drug abusers. 6) The short-term effectiveness of opioids is fair, whereas the long-term effectiveness of opioids is limited due to a lack of long-term (> 3 months) high quality studies, with fair evidence with no significant difference between long-acting and short-acting opioids. 7) Among the individual drugs, most opioids have fair evidence for short-term and limited evidence for long-term due to a lack of quality studies. 8) The evidence for the effectiveness and safety of chronic opioid therapy in the elderly for chronic non-cancer pain is fair for short-term and limited for long-term due to lack of high quality studies; limited in children and adolescents and patients with comorbid psychological disorders due to lack of quality studies; and the evidence is poor in pregnant women. 9) There is limited evidence for reliability and accuracy of screening tests for opioid abuse due to lack of high quality studies. 10) There is fair evidence to support the identification of patients who are non-compliant or abusing prescription drugs or illicit drugs through urine drug testing and prescription drug monitoring programs, both of which can reduce prescription drug abuse or doctor shopping. DISCLAIMER: The guidelines are based on the best available evidence and do not constitute inflexible treatment recommendations. Due to the changing body of evidence, this document is not intended to be a "standard of care."
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An Approach to Enhancing Medication Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder in the HEALing Communities Study
Type: Journal Article
Authors: J. M. Wai, D. Blevins, T. Hunt, L. Gilbert, A. N. C. Campbell, F. R. Levin, N. El-Bassel, E. Nunes
Year: 2024

The HEALing (Helping to End Addiction Long-term) Communities Study (HCS) aims to test the effectiveness of the Communities That HEAL intervention in decreasing opioid overdose deaths in 67 communities across four U.S. states. This intervention enlists a collaborative team of researchers, academic experts, and community coalitions to select and implement interventions from a menu of evidence-based practices, including medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD). The HCS's New York team developed an integrated network systems (INS) approach with a mapping tool to coach coalitions in the selection of strategies to enhance medication treatment. With the INS approach, community coalitions develop a map of service delivery venues in their local county to better engage people with medication treatment wherever this need arises. The map is structured around core services that can provide maintenance MOUD and satellite services, which include all settings where people with opioid use disorder are encountered and can be identified, possibly given medication, and referred to core programs for ongoing MOUD care. This article describes the rationale for the INS mapping tool, with a discussion framed by the consolidated framework for implementation research, and provides a case example of its application.

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An ethical analysis of medication treatment for opioid use disorder (MOUD) for persons who are incarcerated
Type: Journal Article
Authors: E. R. Brezel, T. Powell, A. D. Fox
Year: 2020
Publication Place: United States

Opioid use disorder (OUD) is highly prevalent among persons who are incarcerated. Medication treatment for opioid use disorder (MOUD), methadone, buprenorphine, and naltrexone, is widely used to treat OUD in the community. Despite MOUD's well-documented effectiveness in improving health and social outcomes, its use in American jails and prisons is limited.Several factors are used to justify limited access to MOUD in jails and prisons including: "uncertainty" of MOUD's effectiveness during incarceration, security concerns, risk of overdose from MOUD, lack of resources and institutional infrastructure, and the inability of people with OUD to provide informed consent. Stigma regarding MOUD also likely plays a role. While these factors are relevant to the creation and implementation of addiction treatment policies in incarcerated settings, their ethicality remains underexplored.Using ethical principles of beneficence/non-maleficence, justice, and autonomy, in addition to public health ethics, we evaluate the ethicality of the above list of factors. There is a two-fold ethical imperative to provide MOUD in jails and prisons. Firstly, persons who are incarcerated have the right to evidence-based medical care for OUD. Secondly, because jails and prisons are government institutions, they have an obligation to provide that evidence-based treatment. Additionally, jails and prisons must address the systematic barriers that prevent them from fulfilling that responsibility. According to widely accepted ethical principles, strong evidence supporting the health benefits of MOUD cannot be subordinated to stigma or inaccurate assessments of security, cost, and feasibility. We conclude that making MOUD inaccessible in jails and prisons is ethically impermissible.

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An evaluation of naloxone transit for opioid overdose using drones: A case study using real‐world coroner data
Type: Journal Article
Authors: Paul G. Royall, Patrick Courtney, Christine Goodair, Caroline S. Copeland
Year: 2024
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An Exploratory Study of Sex and Gender Differences in Demographic, Psychosocial, Clinical, and Substance Use Treatment Characteristics of Patients in Outpatient Opioid Use Disorder Treatment with Buprenorphine
Type: Journal Article
Authors: A. B. Parlier-Ahmad, C. E. Martin, M. Radic, D. Svikis
Year: 2021

As treatment expansion in the opioid epidemic continues, it is important to examine how the makeup of individuals with opioid use disorder (OUD) is evolving. Treatment programs are increasingly utilizing buprenorphine, an effective OUD medication. This exploratory study examines sex and gender differences in psychosocial, clinical and substance use treatment characteristics of a clinical population in outpatient medication treatment for OUD with buprenorphine. This is a secondary data analysis from a cross-sectional survey study with retrospective medical record review conducted with patients recruited from an office-based opioid treatment clinic between July-September 2019. Participants on buprenorphine for at least 28 days at time of survey completion were included (n=133). Differences between men and women were explored with Pearson χ(2) and Fisher's Exact Tests for categorical variables and T-Tests for continuous variables. The sample was 55.6% women and nearly three-fourths Black (70.7%). Mean days in current treatment episode was 431.6 (SD=244.82). Women were younger and more likely to be unemployed, identify as a sexual minority, and live alone with children than men. More women than men had a psychiatric comorbidity. Women reported more prescription opioid misuse while men had more heroin only opioid use. More men reported comorbid alcohol use and a history of drug overdose. One-third of participants reported recent discrimination in a healthcare setting due to substance use. As buprenorphine-based outpatient treatment programs continue to expand, present study findings support evaluation of the unique needs of men and women in order to better tailor OUD-related services and improve treatment outcomes.

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An initial evaluation of web-based opioid overdose education
Type: Journal Article
Authors: Stephanie S. Roe, Caleb J. Banta-Green
Year: 2016
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An initiative to increase opioid overdose education and naloxone distribution for homeless veterans residing in contracted housing facilities
Type: Journal Article
Authors: Tessa Rife, Christina Tat, Jennifer Jones, David L. Pennington
Year: 2022
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Applying a Social Determinants of Health Approach to the Opioid Epidemic
Type: Journal Article
Authors: R. Cantu, D. Fields-Johnson, S. Savannah
Year: 2023

Ohio is one of the hardest-hit states in the United States when it comes to opioid overdose deaths. Confronted with over 4,000 opioid overdose deaths in 2017, the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services launched the Community Collective Impact Model for Change (CCIM4C) initiative to encourage 12 Ohio counties to think more deeply about primary prevention. By moving upstream and taking a look at the causes of the opioid crisis, the counties involved in the CCIM4C initiative were able to expand the range of potential partners and potential solutions, moving from emergency response alone to broader efforts to support social connection, economic security, and other social determinants of health. Each county brought together a wide array of partners, including local employers, community colleges, health care organizations, faith leaders, youth-serving organizations, first responders, librarians, school board members, public health officials, parks and recreation staff, and people with lived experience. This article focuses on the efforts of three counties-Ashtabula, Lorain, and Lawrence-to take on the community conditions that increase the risk of unhealthy substance use and addiction. It describes what they learned as they went beyond a sole focus on preventing opioid overdoses and deaths-as critically important as that is-to transforming their communities to support health and well-being in the first place.

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As Overdoses Climb, Emergency Departments Begin Treating Opioid Use Disorder
Type: Journal Article
Authors: R. Rubin
Year: 2018
Abstract: This article discusses the implementation of strategies to treat opioid use disorder in emergency departments.
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Assessing risk for drug overdose in a national cohort: Role for both daily and total opioid dose?
Type: Journal Article
Authors: Yuanyuan Liang, Barbara J. Turner
Year: 2015
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Assessment of Community-Level Vulnerability and Access to Medications for Opioid Use Disorder
Type: Journal Article
Authors: P. J. Joudrey, M. Kolak, Q. Lin, S. Paykin, V. Anguiano Jr, E. A. Wang
Year: 2022
Publication Place: United States

IMPORTANCE: Given that COVID-19 and recent natural disasters exacerbated the shortage of medication for opioid use disorder (MOUD) services and were associated with increased opioid overdose mortality, it is important to examine how a community's ability to respond to natural disasters and infectious disease outbreaks is associated with MOUD access. OBJECTIVE: To examine the association of community vulnerability to disasters and pandemics with geographic access to each of the 3 MOUDs and whether this association differs by urban, suburban, or rural classification. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: This cross-sectional study of zip code tabulation areas (ZCTAs) in the continental United States excluding Washington, DC, conducted a geospatial analysis of 2020 treatment location data. EXPOSURES: Social vulnerability index (US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention measure of vulnerability to disasters or pandemics). MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES: Drive time in minutes from the population-weighted center of the ZCTA to the ZCTA of the nearest treatment location for each treatment type (buprenorphine, methadone, and extended-release naltrexone). RESULTS: Among 32 604 ZCTAs within the continental US, 170 within Washington, DC, and 20 without an urban-rural classification were excluded, resulting in a final sample of 32 434 ZCTAs. Greater social vulnerability was correlated with longer drive times for methadone (correlation, 0.10; 95% CI, 0.09 to 0.11), but it was not correlated with access to other MOUDs. Among rural ZCTAs, increasing social vulnerability was correlated with shorter drive times to buprenorphine (correlation, -0.10; 95% CI, -0.12 to -0.08) but vulnerability was not correlated with other measures of access. Among suburban ZCTAs, greater vulnerability was correlated with both longer drive times to methadone (correlation, 0.22; 95% CI, 0.20 to 0.24) and extended-release naltrexone (correlation, 0.15; 95% CI, 0.13 to 0.17). CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE: In this study, communities with greater vulnerability did not have greater geographic access to MOUD, and the mismatch between vulnerability and medication access was greatest in suburban communities. Rural communities had poor geographic access regardless of vulnerability status. Future disaster preparedness planning should match the location of services to communities with greater vulnerability to prevent inequities in overdose deaths.

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Assessment of Patient-Reported Naloxone Acquisition and Carrying With an Automated Text Messaging System After Emergency Department Discharge in Philadelphia
Type: Journal Article
Authors: A. K. Agarwal, H. K. Sangha, A. Spadaro, R. Gonzales, J. Perrone, M. K. Delgado, M. Lowenstein
Year: 2022

IMPORTANCE: A central tenet of harm reduction and prevention of opioid overdose deaths is the distribution and use of naloxone. Patient-centered methods that investigate naloxone acquisition and carrying can guide opioid overdose education and naloxone distribution efforts. OBJECTIVE: To assess patients' self-reported naloxone acquisition and carrying after an emergency department (ED) encounter using automated text messaging. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: This cohort study investigated self-reported patient behaviors involving naloxone after ED discharge in a large, urban academic health system in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Adult patients who were prescribed or dispensed naloxone and who had a mobile phone number listed in the electronic health record provided informed consent after ED discharge, and data were collected prospectively using text messaging from October 10, 2020, to March 19, 2021. Patients who did not respond to the survey or who opted out were excluded. EXPOSURE: Automated text message-based survey after ED discharge for patients who were prescribed or dispensed naloxone. MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES: The primary outcome was patient-reported naloxone acquisition, carrying, and use. Descriptive statistics were used to summarize patient demographic characteristics. RESULTS: Of 205 eligible patients, 41 (20.0%) completed the survey; of those patients, the mean (SD) age was 39.5 (13.7) years, and 21 (51.2%) were women. Fifteen (36.6%) had a personal history of being given naloxone after an overdose. As indicated by the ED record, 27 participants (65.9%) had naloxone dispensed in the ED, and 36 (87.8%) self-reported acquiring naloxone during or after their ED visit. Twenty-four participants (58.5%) were not carrying naloxone in the week before their ED visit. Twenty participants (48.8%) were carrying naloxone after the ED visit, and 27 (65.9%) reported planning to continue carrying naloxone in the future. Of the 24 individuals (58.5%) not carrying naloxone before their ED encounter, 13 (54.2%) reported planning to continue carrying naloxone in the future. CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE: In this cohort study of adult patients dispensed or prescribed naloxone from the ED, most reported acquiring naloxone on or after discharge. The ED remains a key point of access to naloxone for individuals at high risk of opioid use and overdose, and text messaging could be a method to engage and motivate patient-reported behaviors in enhancing naloxone acquisition and carrying.

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Assessment of provider attitudes toward #naloxone on Twitter
Type: Journal Article
Authors: N. A. Haug, J. Bielenberg, S. H. Linder, A. Lembke
Year: 2016
Publication Place: United States
Abstract: BACKGROUND: As opioid overdose rates continue to pose a major public health crisis, the need for naloxone treatment by emergency first responders is critical. Little is known about the views of those who administer naloxone. The current study examines attitudes of health professionals on the social media platform Twitter to better understand their perceptions of opioid users, the role of naloxone, and potential training needs. METHODS: Public comments on Twitter regarding naloxone were collected for a period of 3 consecutive months. The occupations of individuals who posted tweets were identified through Twitter profiles or hashtags. Categories of emergency service first responders and medical personnel were created. Qualitative analysis using a grounded theory approach was used to produce thematic content. The relationships between occupation and each theme were analyzed using Pearson chi-square statistics and post hoc analyses. RESULTS: A total of 368 individuals posted 467 naloxone-related tweets. Occupations consisted of professional first responders such as emergency medical technicians (EMTs), firefighters, and paramedics (n = 122); law enforcement officers (n = 70); nurses (n = 62); physicians (n = 48); other health professionals including pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, counselors, and social workers (n = 31); naloxone-trained individuals (n = 12); and students (n = 23). Primary themes included burnout, education and training, information seeking, news updates, optimism, policy and economics, stigma, and treatment. The highest levels of burnout, fatigue, and stigma regarding naloxone and opioid overdose were among nurses, EMTs, other health care providers, and physicians. In contrast, individuals who self-identified as "naloxone-trained" had the highest optimism and the lowest amount of burnout and stigma. CONCLUSIONS: Provider training and refinement of naloxone administration procedures are needed to improve treatment outcomes and reduce provider stigma. Social networking sites such as Twitter may have potential for offering psychoeducation to health care providers.
Opioids & Substance Use See topic collection
Education & Workforce See topic collection