New Unhealthy Alcohol Use Tools and Resources on Telehealth in AHRQ Academy Collection


In October 2019, AHRQ launched the Unhealthy Alcohol Use Initiative. This 3-year grant program aims to disseminate and implement into primary care practices evidence-based approaches to improve the use of screening for unhealthy alcohol use, brief intervention for those at risk, and medication therapy for alcohol use disorder.

The AHRQ Academy produced the Unhealthy Alcohol Use Tools Resources collection to highlight and describe the tools and resources available for providers, organizational leadership, other team members, patients, and others. The tools and resources in the collection were initially identified via subject matter experts and methodical searches of the published and grey literature, as well as targeted searches for specific kinds of tools.

The Unhealthy Alcohol Use Tools & Resources are updated on an ongoing basis as new items become available. Those added most recently include guides, webinars and videos, toolkits, and websites on Health Information Technology Telehealth.

The following tools and resources were among the additions.