The National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention’s Research Prioritization Task Force (RPTF) published a Prioritized Research Agenda for Suicide Prevention: An Action Plan to Save Lives in February 2014. The Plan (PDF - 3771.08 KB) seeks to reduce rates of suicide attempts and deaths in the next 5-10 years. The Research Agenda focuses on six different questions, which will be addressed in a series of webinars sponsored by the National Council for Behavioral Health with the Action Alliance, and the National Institute of Mental Health. The topics and dates for the 2015 webinar series are listed below:
January 29 — Why do people become suicidal?
February 24 — How can we better detect/predict suicide risk?
April 2 — What interventions prevent suicidal behavior?.
April 29 — What are the most effective services to treat and prevent suicidal behavior?
May 27 — What suicide interventions outside of health care settings reduce risk?
June 24 — What research infrastructure do we need to reduce suicidal behavior?
Additional information about the webinar series will be posted on the Academy event calendar as it becomes available. To view recordings of past webinars, access the Webinar Archives.
For more information, see: