Report/Paper/Issue Brief

PDF documents of various lengths (though usually longer than one page), which have a practical application for clinical staff or others. Most fall into the category of grey literature, which includes government reports, white papers, and issue briefs. Generally this will not include peer-reviewed journal articles. Items often have a title or description that includes one of these terms.

Designing, Implementing and Sustaining Physical Health-Behavioral Health Integration: The Comprehensive Healthcare Integration Framework

This framework guides the implementation of integration of physical and behavioral health (including mental health and substance use) for all child and adult populations. The framework can be used by any provider in a broad range of settings and organizations.

Fentanyl Drug Checking and Screening: Roundtable on Community Perspectives Summary Report

These proceedings summarize the discussion from the harm reduction community roundtable and supplemental individual interviews, inclusive of representatives from national and local harm reduction organizations, state and local government agencies, tribal organizations, and researchers who have experience distributing fentanyl test strips (FTS) or are knowledgeable about FTS specifically or drug checking more generally.