Copyrighted, freely available

Tools are accessible without purchase but may be subject to restrictions for use and distribution.


This revised version of the CRAFFT screening tool incorporates changes that enhance the sensitivity of this well-validated and widely-utilized adolescent substance use screening tool to accurately identify adolescents at risk for a substance use disorder. It also presents new recommended clinician talking points, informed by the latest science and clinician feedback.

Screening Protocol for Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders for Primary Care Providers

This guide will explans how to choose a screening tool for Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders (PMADs), provides recommendations and resources on how to administer the tools, recommends additional screening tools, presents an algorithm and response protocol, and briefly touches on establishing outside resources and referrals.

Substance Use and Mental Health Disorders in Perinatal Individuals: A Toolkit for Substance Use Disorder Treatment Providers

This toolkit is tailored specifically to the unique needs of multidisciplinary substance use disorder (SUD) providers and programs serving perinatal individuals. It is meant to be a quick reference resource about mental health and SUD specific to perinatal individuals.

MCPAP for Moms

MCPAP for Moms provides obstetricians, midwives, and PCPs with psychiatric consultation for behavioral health concerns and questions around medications when pregnant or breastfeeding. MCPAP for Moms also supports connections with community-based services and support groups.


The Project RESPECT team supports patients throughout their recovery journey during the entire first year postpartum and offer monitored, acute substance withdrawal treatment and induction of medications for opioid use disorder in pregnant patients seeking treatment.