Intake & Induction

For the patient’s admittance to the MAT program and initiation of medications to treat opioid use disorder.


MaineMOM aims to improve care for pregnant and postpartum people with opioid use disorder and their infants by integrating maternal and substance use treatment services.

Fentanyl Drug Checking and Screening: Roundtable on Clinical Perspectives Summary Report

This document summarizes the discussion from the meeting of clinicians and researchers who are knowledgeable about screening for fentanyl and other drugs, primarily in health care settings. The focus of the meeting was to understand clinician/researcher perspectives about clinical fentanyl testing and distribution of fentanyl test strips (FTS) to patients and discuss next steps for technology development, research, and practice.


The primary objectives of the SOURCE (Simulation of Opioid Use, Response, Consequences, and Effects) model are threefold: help the FDA and other stakeholders identify high-impact opioid-related interventions, assess potential unanticipated consequences of potential policies, and identify needs for further research.