Health Information Technology & Telehealth

Related to information sharing, electronic health records, health information technology, and the use of telehealth methods for MAT services.

Evidence for the Effectiveness and Acceptability of e-SBI or e-SBIRT in the Management of Alcohol and Illicit Substance Use in Pregnant and Post-partum Women

Reviews current evidence for the use of screening, brief intervention, and referral (SBIRT) to treatment delivered through mHealth technologies and explores implications of using mHealth to address alcohol use among pregnant and post-partum women

Effectiveness of Digital Interventions for Preventing Alcohol Consumption in Pregnancy: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Systematic review that aims to evaluate the effectiveness of digital interventions (i.e., computers, mobile apps, and text messaging services) during pregnancy suggesting computer/internet-based interventions are an effective platform for preventing alcohol consumption among pregnant women and women planning to become pregnant

Computerized Relational Agent to Deliver Alcohol Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment in Primary Care: A Randomized Clinical Trial

Randomized trial of a relational agent-based intervention for alcohol use disorder (AUD), showing that technology can be leveraged to deliver screening and referral to treatment for AUD in primary care medical settings