Adherence, Diversion, & Misuse

For the prevention of and response to diversion (i.e. selling or sharing of medications) or misuse (i.e. taking medication in a manner other than prescribed) of medications to treat opioid use disorder.

State Approaches to Opioid Use Disorder Treatment across the Correctional Continuum

This toolkit, informed by interviews with key leaders across several states, examines state policy actions at each of the intercept levels defined in the Sequential Intercept Model framework, and explores opportunities for states to successfully integrate treatment and prevention services across the behavioral health and criminal justice continuum.

Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) for Opioid Use Disorder in Jails and Prisons: A Planning and Implementation Toolkit

This toolkit, supported by funding from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Bloomberg Philanthropies, provides correctional administrators and health care providers recommendations and tools for implementing medication-assisted treatm

How to Track Treatment Progress and Adherence with the ASAM Criteria (Slides)

The slides from this informative webinar will aid drug court team members in tracking treatment progress and ensuring that participants adhere to medication in addiction treatment. jointly sponsored by the National Association of Drug Court Professionals and the American Society of Addiction Medicine, this webinar was designed especially for judges, coordinators, prosecutors, defense attorneys, supervision officers, case managers, and other team members who refer, monitor, or otherwise support behavioral health treatment in drug courts.

Clinical Guidelines for the Use of Buprenorphine in the Treatment of Opioid Addiction. Treatment Improvement Protocol (TIP) Series 40.

Provides guidance on the use of buprenorphine among a number of topics, including physiology and pharmacology of opioids, opioid addiction, and buprenorphine treatment; screening and assessment of OUDs; protocols for buprenorphine treatment; management of special populations; and policies and procedures related to DATA 2000.