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The Literature Collection contains over 10,000 references for published and grey literature on the integration of behavioral health and primary care. Learn More

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1432 Results
An Action Plan for Behavioral Health Workforce Development: A Framework for Discussion
Type: Government Report
Authors: M. W. Hoge, J. A. Morris, A. S. Daniels, G. W. Stuart, L . Y. Huey, N. Adams
Year: 2007
Publication Place: Rockville, MD

A Workforce Crisis. Across the nation there is a high degree of concern about the state of the behavioral health workforce and pessimism about its future. Workforce problems have an impact on almost every aspect of prevention and treatment across all sectors of the diverse behavioral health field. The issues encompass difficulties in recruiting and retaining staff, the absence of career ladders for employees, marginal wages and benefits, limited access to relevant and effective training, the erosion of supervision, a vacuum with respect to future leaders, and financing systems that place enormous burdens on the workforce to meet high levels of demand with inadequate resources. Most critically, there are significant concerns about the capability of the workforce to provide quality care. The majority of the workforce is uninformed about and unengaged in health promotion and prevention activities. Too many in the workforce also lack familiarity with resilience- and recovery-oriented practices and are generally reluctant to engage children, youth, and adults, and their families, in collaborative relationships that involve shared decision-making about treatment options. It takes well over a decade for proven interventions to make their way into practice, since prevention and treatment services are driven more by tradition than by science. The workforce lacks the racial diversity of the populations it serves and is far too often insensitive to the needs of individuals, as these are affected by ethnicity, culture, and language. In large sections of rural America, there simply is no mental health or addictions workforce.There is overwhelming evidence that the behavioral health workforce is not equipped in skills or in numbers to respond adequately to the changing needs of the American population. While the incidence of co-occurring mental and addictive disorders among individuals has increased dramatically, most of the workforce lacks the array of skills needed to assess and treat persons with these co-occurring conditions.Training and education programs largely have ignored the need to alter their curricula to address this problem and, thus, the nation continues to prepare new members of the workforce who simply are underprepared from the moment they complete their training.

Education & Workforce See topic collection
Grey Literature See topic collection

This grey literature reference is included in the Academy's Literature Collection in keeping with our mission to gather all sources of information on integration. Grey literature is comprised of materials that are not made available through traditional publishing avenues. Often, the information from unpublished resources can be limited and the risk of bias cannot be determined.

An Examination of New York State's Integrated Primary and Mental Health Care Services for Adults with Serious Mental Illness
Type: Report
Authors: D. M. Scharf, J. Breslau, N. Schmidt, D. Kusuke, L. Staplefoote, H. A. Pincus
Year: 2014
Publication Place: Santa Monica, CA
Abstract: The poor physical health of adults with serious mental illnesses is a public health crisis. Greater integration of mental health and primary medical care services at the clinic and system levels could address this need. In New York state, there are several ongoing initiatives that promote integrated care for adults with serious mental illness, provided or coordinated by community mental health center staff. This report examines three initiatives.Data were collected by RAND through site visits and surveys of mental health clinic administrators and associated professionals. Results showed that Primary and Behavioral Health Care Integration grantees developed infrastructure that supported a broad scope of primary and preventive health care services; these broad changes appeared to contribute to clinicwide culture shifts toward integration and shared accountability for consumers' "whole person" health. Clinics participating in the Medicaid Incentive tended to implement only those services for which they could bill, which resulted in newly identified consumer physical health care needs but did not help consumers to connect to physical health care services. Finally, while administrators and providers were optimistic that Medicaid Health Homes have potential to improve access to care for adults with serious mental illness, the newness of the initiative made it difficult to assess the degree to which Health Home networks would meet these goals. We conclude with recommendations to state policymakers, clinical providers, and technical assistance providers and recommendations for future research, all designed to strengthen New York state's integrated care initiatives for adults with serious mental illness.
Grey Literature See topic collection

This grey literature reference is included in the Academy's Literature Collection in keeping with our mission to gather all sources of information on integration. Grey literature is comprised of materials that are not made available through traditional publishing avenues. Often, the information from unpublished resources can be limited and the risk of bias cannot be determined.

An impact assessment of including a behavioral health provider within the structure of the Army Patient Centered Medical Home Model: A longitudinal study
Type: Web Resource
Authors: Christopher Stewart Besser
Year: 2014
Grey Literature See topic collection
Medical Home See topic collection

This grey literature reference is included in the Academy's Literature Collection in keeping with our mission to gather all sources of information on integration. Grey literature is comprised of materials that are not made available through traditional publishing avenues. Often, the information from unpublished resources can be limited and the risk of bias cannot be determined.

An integration model for Medicaid-Financed behavioral health services
Type: Government Report
Year: 2012

This report reflects significant input from hundreds of Maryland stakeholders, and the committed efforts of many individuals across the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (Department). It builds upon work conducted by the Department in 2011 that culminated in a consultant report. The 2011 Consultant Report recommended that Maryland should better align and integrate behavioral health services.The recommendation of a model that improves the integration of Medicaid-financed behavioral health services, presented in this report, represents a major milestone. Significant work still lies ahead. The Department greatly appreciates the contributions of everyone who has participated thus far and we look forward to continuing to work with stakeholders in the coming months to improve health care in Maryland.

Financing & Sustainability See topic collection
Healthcare Policy See topic collection
Grey Literature See topic collection

This grey literature reference is included in the Academy's Literature Collection in keeping with our mission to gather all sources of information on integration. Grey literature is comprised of materials that are not made available through traditional publishing avenues. Often, the information from unpublished resources can be limited and the risk of bias cannot be determined.

An Interactive Preventive Care Record: A Handbook for Using Patient-Centered Personal Health Records to Promote Prevention
Type: Government Report
Authors: A. Krist, S. F. Rothemich, P. Kashiri, R. Etz, G. Bello, R. Johnson, E. Peele, S. H. Woolf, J. Loomis, K. Schmidt, S. Mitchell, M. Hayes, D. Longo, A. Kuzel
Year: 2012
Publication Place: Rockville, MD
Grey Literature See topic collection
HIT & Telehealth See topic collection

This grey literature reference is included in the Academy's Literature Collection in keeping with our mission to gather all sources of information on integration. Grey literature is comprised of materials that are not made available through traditional publishing avenues. Often, the information from unpublished resources can be limited and the risk of bias cannot be determined.

An updated on integrated primary care and behavioral health services in California community clinics and health centers
Type: Government Report
Authors: CalMHSA Integrated Behavioral Health Project, AGD Consulting
Year: 2013
Publication Place: Rancho Cordova, CA
Education & Workforce See topic collection
Financing & Sustainability See topic collection
Grey Literature See topic collection

This grey literature reference is included in the Academy's Literature Collection in keeping with our mission to gather all sources of information on integration. Grey literature is comprised of materials that are not made available through traditional publishing avenues. Often, the information from unpublished resources can be limited and the risk of bias cannot be determined.

Any Use and Frequent Use of Opioids among Elderly Adults in 2015-2016, by Socioeconomic Characteristics
Type: Government Report
Authors: Asako Moriya, Edward Miller
Year: 2018
Grey Literature See topic collection
Opioids & Substance Use See topic collection

This grey literature reference is included in the Academy's Literature Collection in keeping with our mission to gather all sources of information on integration. Grey literature is comprised of materials that are not made available through traditional publishing avenues. Often, the information from unpublished resources can be limited and the risk of bias cannot be determined.

ARC Study: Disproportionately High Rates of Substance Abuse in Appalachia
Type: Report
Authors: Appalachian Regional Commission
Year: 2008
Grey Literature See topic collection
Healthcare Disparities See topic collection
Opioids & Substance Use See topic collection

This grey literature reference is included in the Academy's Literature Collection in keeping with our mission to gather all sources of information on integration. Grey literature is comprised of materials that are not made available through traditional publishing avenues. Often, the information from unpublished resources can be limited and the risk of bias cannot be determined.

Artificial Intelligence in Health Professions Education: Proceedings of a Workshop
Type: Government Report
Authors: National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
Year: 2023
Publication Place: Washington, DC
Grey Literature See topic collection
Education & Workforce See topic collection
Healthcare Disparities See topic collection
Healthcare Policy See topic collection

This grey literature reference is included in the Academy's Literature Collection in keeping with our mission to gather all sources of information on integration. Grey literature is comprised of materials that are not made available through traditional publishing avenues. Often, the information from unpublished resources can be limited and the risk of bias cannot be determined.

Ask Suicide-Screening Questions (ASQ) Toolkit
Type: Web Resource
Authors: National Institute of Mental Health
Year: 2018
Grey Literature See topic collection
Measures See topic collection

This grey literature reference is included in the Academy's Literature Collection in keeping with our mission to gather all sources of information on integration. Grey literature is comprised of materials that are not made available through traditional publishing avenues. Often, the information from unpublished resources can be limited and the risk of bias cannot be determined.

Assessment of barriers and facilitators to buprenorphine prescribing among nurse practitioners in rural Oregon
Type: Web Resource
Authors: Corie Charnley
Year: 2020
Publication Place: Portland, Oregon
Grey Literature See topic collection
Education & Workforce See topic collection
Healthcare Disparities See topic collection
Opioids & Substance Use See topic collection

This grey literature reference is included in the Academy's Literature Collection in keeping with our mission to gather all sources of information on integration. Grey literature is comprised of materials that are not made available through traditional publishing avenues. Often, the information from unpublished resources can be limited and the risk of bias cannot be determined.

Associations of Nonmedical Pain Reliever Use and Initiation of Heroin Use in the United States. CBHSQ Data Review
Type: Government Report
Authors: Pradip K. Muhuri, Joseph C. Gfroerer, Christine Davies
Year: 2013
Publication Place: Rockville, MD
Grey Literature See topic collection
Opioids & Substance Use See topic collection

This grey literature reference is included in the Academy's Literature Collection in keeping with our mission to gather all sources of information on integration. Grey literature is comprised of materials that are not made available through traditional publishing avenues. Often, the information from unpublished resources can be limited and the risk of bias cannot be determined.

Atlas of Integrated Behavioral Health Quality Measures - Dr. Neil Korsen [video]
Type: Web Resource
Authors: University of Colorado School of Medicine Department of Family Medicine
Year: 2013
Grey Literature See topic collection

This grey literature reference is included in the Academy's Literature Collection in keeping with our mission to gather all sources of information on integration. Grey literature is comprised of materials that are not made available through traditional publishing avenues. Often, the information from unpublished resources can be limited and the risk of bias cannot be determined.

ATTC White Paper: Integrating Substance Use Disorder and Health Care Services in an Era of Health Reform
Type: Government Report
Authors: S. Sacks, H. J. Gotham, K. Johnson, H. Padwa, D. Murphy, L. Krom
Year: 2015
Grey Literature See topic collection

This grey literature reference is included in the Academy's Literature Collection in keeping with our mission to gather all sources of information on integration. Grey literature is comprised of materials that are not made available through traditional publishing avenues. Often, the information from unpublished resources can be limited and the risk of bias cannot be determined.

ATTC White Paper: Preparing Students to Work in Integrated Health Care Systems
Type: Government Report
Authors: Addiction Technology Transfer Center Network
Year: 2017
Publication Place: Rockville, MD
Grey Literature See topic collection
Education & Workforce See topic collection
Opioids & Substance Use See topic collection

This grey literature reference is included in the Academy's Literature Collection in keeping with our mission to gather all sources of information on integration. Grey literature is comprised of materials that are not made available through traditional publishing avenues. Often, the information from unpublished resources can be limited and the risk of bias cannot be determined.

Automated Telephone Reminders: A Tool to Help Refill Medicines On Time
Type: Web Resource
Authors: AHRQ
Year: 2008
Abstract: This easy to understand telephone script is provided for use by pharmacies wishing to provide automated refill reminder calls to patients to remind them to refill their prescriptions and allow patients to order the refill on the phone.
Education & Workforce See topic collection
Grey Literature See topic collection

This grey literature reference is included in the Academy's Literature Collection in keeping with our mission to gather all sources of information on integration. Grey literature is comprised of materials that are not made available through traditional publishing avenues. Often, the information from unpublished resources can be limited and the risk of bias cannot be determined.

Background paper: Behavioral health/primary care integration models, competencies, and infrastructure
Type: Report
Authors: National Council for Community Behavioral Healthcare
Year: 2003
Financing & Sustainability See topic collection
Grey Literature See topic collection

This grey literature reference is included in the Academy's Literature Collection in keeping with our mission to gather all sources of information on integration. Grey literature is comprised of materials that are not made available through traditional publishing avenues. Often, the information from unpublished resources can be limited and the risk of bias cannot be determined.

Barriers and facilitators to buprenorphine prescribing among nurse practitioners working in primary care settings in eastern North Carolina
Type: Web Resource
Authors: Chandra Speight
Year: 2020
Publication Place: Greenville, N.C.
Grey Literature See topic collection
Education & Workforce See topic collection
Healthcare Disparities See topic collection
Opioids & Substance Use See topic collection

This grey literature reference is included in the Academy's Literature Collection in keeping with our mission to gather all sources of information on integration. Grey literature is comprised of materials that are not made available through traditional publishing avenues. Often, the information from unpublished resources can be limited and the risk of bias cannot be determined.

Barriers Limit Access to Medication for Opioid Use Disorder in Philadelphia
Type: Government Report
Authors: Pew Research Center
Year: 2022
Publication Place: Washington, D.C.
Opioids & Substance Use See topic collection
Healthcare Policy See topic collection
Grey Literature See topic collection

This grey literature reference is included in the Academy's Literature Collection in keeping with our mission to gather all sources of information on integration. Grey literature is comprised of materials that are not made available through traditional publishing avenues. Often, the information from unpublished resources can be limited and the risk of bias cannot be determined.

Barriers to and facilitators of implementation of screening, brief intervention and referral to treatment for risky substance use for adolescents in pediatric primary care: A qualitative interview study
Type: Web Resource
Authors: Stacy Sterling
Year: 2016
Grey Literature See topic collection
Opioids & Substance Use See topic collection

This grey literature reference is included in the Academy's Literature Collection in keeping with our mission to gather all sources of information on integration. Grey literature is comprised of materials that are not made available through traditional publishing avenues. Often, the information from unpublished resources can be limited and the risk of bias cannot be determined.