Presentations from the 2017 Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Federal Partners Integrated Care Meeting, “State of the Art: Research, Models, Promising Practices, and Sustaining Integrated Care,” have recently been released. The meeting brought together representatives from a number of HHS agencies and featured presentations about the latest research findings and models of integrated care.
The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) was represented by Dr. Arlene Bierman, Director of the Center for Evidence and Practice Improvement (CEPI). She described AHRQ’s commitment to integrated behavioral health in primary care, including the AHRQ Academy. As part of AHRQ’s presentation, she introduced two nationally recognized experts—National Integration Academy Council (NIAC) member Dr. Jürgen Unützer, who spoke about the Collaborative Care Model at the University of Washington AIMS Center, and Dr. Garrett Moran of Westat, who presented on the work of the AHRQ Academy and serves as its project director.