National Quality Forum (NQF) Endorses Behavioral Measures


Behavioral health disorders are a major public health problem in the United States. An estimated 26.4 percent of the U.S. population suffers from diagnosable mental disorders that are directly related to poor health outcomes, increased costs, and premature deaths. An estimated $113 billion was spent in mental health treatment in 2005, of which about $22 billion was spent in substance use treatment alone. It is expected that behavioral health disorders will surpass all physical diseases as the leading cause of disability worldwide by 2020.

The National Quality Forum (NQF) designed and implemented a multiphase program to improve the delivery of quality behavioral health services and improve behavioral health status of Americans. NQF has now endorsed behavioral health measures for depression, child and adolescent mental health, health screening and assessment, and substance abuse, and has made them available for public review. Access a complete list of endorsed measures

Here is the appeal process: “Any party may request reconsideration of the 17 endorsed quality measures by submitting an appeal no later than April 7 at 6:00PM ET. To submit an appeal, go to the NQF Measure Database. For an appeal to be considered, the notification must include information clearly demonstrating that the appellant has interests directly and materially affected by the NQF-endorsed recommendations and that the NQF decision has had (or will have) an adverse effect on those interests. All appeals are published on the NQF website.”

For more information, please contact Elisa Munthali at 202-783-1300 or via email at

Also, visit the National Quality Forum Web site and learn more about the Behavioral Health Measures.