AHRQ Unhealthy Alcohol Use Initiative Grantee Releases New Training Resources for Primary Care


The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)’s EvidenceNOW: Managing Unhealthy Alcohol Use Initiative helps primary care practices implement evidence shown to improve management of unhealthy alcohol use. Through the initiative, six grantees work to disseminate and implement evidence-based approaches to improve the use of screening for unhealthy alcohol use, brief intervention for those at risk, and medication therapy for alcohol use disorder (AUD) into primary care practices.

The STop UNhealthy (STUN) Alcohol Use Now project at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill has created training videos to help primary care practices stop unhealthy alcohol use.

Print resources for providers and patients have also been developed. STUN's Interactive Map provides information on community-based recovery supports, outpatient treatment services, behavioral health referrals, and other available resources by county.



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