AHRQ Integration Academy Co-Sponsors Webinar on Using Open Notes to Promote Equity


National Integration Academy Council members Alexander Blount, Ed.D., and Neil Korsen, M.D., M.Sc., will be joining the National Center for Integrated Behavioral Health at the Mayo Clinic on Tuesday, December 14, from 11am - 12pm ET to discuss using Open Notes as a step toward healthcare equity and social justice.

Open Notes can be a pathway to partnership and better health outcomes for patients with the greatest burden of illness. Open Notes provides access to medical records, including provider notes. Patients using Open Notes have reported better understanding of their health conditions and treatments and better adherence to their health regimens. They have also reported perceiving their clinicians as more benevolent after accessing provider notes.

Register for the webinar to learn more about maximizing Open Notes to promote patient engagement and equity in integrated behavioral health.

View the full webinar description.