Integrating Pharmacotherapy for Obesity into Psychiatric Practice


Obesity is a common problem in society at large but is seen at higher rates among persons living with mental disorders. Psychotropic medications can contribute to this issue, but there are options for counteracting their effects.

The purpose of this webinar, hosted by the National Alliance on Mental Illness, is to discuss how psychotropic medications can contribute to this, the data supporting the use of metformin, GLP-1 and GLP-1/GIP agonists to manage this issue, and recent studies emphasizing the absence of suicidality as a consequence of GLP-1 and GLP-1/GIP agonist therapy.

During this session, attendees will: 

  • Gain insights into how psychotropic medications contribute to obesity in individuals with mental disorders
  • Review current data on the use of metformin, GLP-1, and GLP-1/GIP agonists to manage obesity in this population
  • Explore recent studies demonstrating the absence of suicidality with GLP-1 and GLP-1/GIP agonist therapy