Voices From the Field: Centering Lived and Living Experience in Overdose Prevention


The complex and ever-evolving drug overdose epidemic has increased the need for comprehensive, evidence-based prevention strategies and prompted local and state health departments to increase their efforts to better serve communities impacted by drug use and overdose.

Many health departments are seeking ways to involve more people with lived and living experience (PWLLE) with substance use in overdose prevention work. PWLLE have life experience that is essential to effective overdose prevention and response programming. Health departments, collaborating with community members and organizations, can expand how they engage with PWLLE as valued partners.

This webinar, hosted by the National Council for Mental Wellbeing, will include insights and strategies on successfully centering PWLLE in overdose prevention work through health department and community collaborations. 

During this webinar, attendees will: 

  • Review key considerations from the series of tools “Ensuring the Inclusion of People with Lived and Living Experience in Health Departments’ Overdose Surveillance and Prevention Efforts.”
  • Discuss the successes and challenges experienced by field experts in collaborations between health departments and communities.
  • Examine notable methods for supporting, valuing and prioritizing PWLLE in health department overdose prevention programming.