The Youth Mental Health Crisis and Opportunities for Integrated Care - Session 1: CoE-IHS Webinar


The U.S. is amid a youth mental health crisis, with alarming increases in youth suicide rates in recent years. Youth of all ages, especially youth of color and other marginalized identities, have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, rising social media use, community violence and natural disasters.  

Pediatric integration can be a key strategy to improve health outcomes among children and young people. Integrated care models address the whole child person by providing preventative care, early intervention, family engagement and support, cross-system collaboration and linkages to the community and other social service needs.  

Join National Center of Excellence for Integrated Health Solutions for the first session in their four-part webinar series, to gather insights from integrated care clinicians and experts on the recent youth mental health crisis and discuss opportunities for leveraging integrated care.