A pilot, non-inferiority study designed to see if Remote Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment is just as successful at lowering drinking as SBIRT, while increasing the number of patients seen, decreasing costs, and maintaining efficacy of the intervention
Presents types of virtual practice facilitation, techniques for implementing practice facilitation activities virtually, and examples of virtual practice facilitation sessions
Evaluates a new AAPPQ that uses person-centered language and addresses the spectrum of alcohol use, concluding that the 30-item instrument is a promising tool for assessing providers' attitudes toward unhealthy alcohol use without promoting negative biases
Offers interactive modules for practice facilitators with comprehensive and practical information about unhealthy alcohol use that can be applied to primary care practices
Describes randomized controlled trial that uses practice facilitation for implementing screening, counseling, and treatment for unhealthy alcohol use, proposing that practice facilitation can make changes related to managing unhealthy alcohol use within a practice